Freedom of Information Act
Purpose of Township
Rutland Township is a government entity that was founded in 1850. The township has only those powers expressly granted or necessarily implied in the constitutional and statutory provisions of the State of Illinois, and no others. We exist to serve the citizens of Illinois who live within Rutland Township. We exist to provide three basic functions:
1. General Assistance for the indigent. We provide food, shelter and emergency relief for needy people until they are able to support themselves.
2. Property Assessment-Our township assessor establishes the value of all real property in the township.
3. Road and Bridge Maintenance-Our township road commissioner maintains all township roads and bridges. Federal, state and other local jurisdiction roads and bridges are excluded.
Total Operating Budget
The total amount of the combined operating budget for Town and Road District for 2024– 2025 is $ 852,985.00
Employee Information
The Town and Road District employ thirteen (7) part-time employees.
Township Boards
Township Board of Trustees:
David Myer-Supervisor
Laurena Miller-Trustee
Timothy Caputo-Trustee
Mark Boe-Trustee
Glen Nelson-Trustee
Plan Commission:
Don Weber-Chairperson
Alan Kammerer-Member
Russell Boe- Member
Steve Rotchford-Member
Methods for Requesting Information
Requests for inspection or copies of public records shall be made in writing and directed to Rutland Township. Written requests may be submitted via personal delivery, mail, fax or e-mail. Personal delivery of a written request can be made during regular Township business hours: Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. Written requests can be mailed to Rutland Township, P.O. Box 66, Marseilles, Illinois 61341. Written requests can also be faxed to 815-795-2924 or emailed to Once received all requests will be forwarded to a township Freedom Of Information Act officer. The Freedom Of Information Act officer will promptly, either comply with or deny a request for public records within 5 business days after receipt of request.
Directory of F.O.I.A Officers
Joyce Bailey-Township Clerk
David Myer -Township Supervisor
Addresses to where requests should be directed:
2835 E. 24th Road, P.O. Box 66, Marseilles, Illinois 61341
Allowable Fees:
No fees shall be charged for the first 50 pages of black and white, letter or legal sized copies. Thereafter the charge will be 15 cents per copy (each side). Certification of documents will be $1.00 per document. Information furnished on a disk or tape will be charged $2.00 per recording medium.