Township government is described as the unit of government that is closest to the people. Township government survives and thrives today as the oldest existing form of government. It is the only for of government where township residents vote on action items.
The annual meeting is held the 2nd Tuesday in April at 7:00pm to provide for maximum public participation. Each township provides services unique to their community, but share the same main functions.
The 3 main functions of Illinois Township Government are:
Administering the General Assistance Program
Assessing properties
Maintaining roads and bridges
The Township Supervisor helps formulate township policies and supervise their enactment. The supervisor participates in the development and approval of the township budget as well as the hiring of municipal employees. As a member of the township board, the supervisor will cast a vote on community issues.
The Township Clerk is an elected official whose responsibilites are defined by state statute, and include:
Recording and maintaining Township meeting minutes.
Maintaining custody of all Township records.
Coordinating election details.