General Assistance/ Emergency Assistance Program

General assistance photo from old TOI.

General Assistance applications can be picked up at the Township Hall.  Please call for further information or to have an application mailed, the application must be returned in person to the office.

General Assistance Application Link:   IL444-0040.pdf (

General Assistance:  Rutland Township provides financial aid to township residents on behalf of eligible assistance units by the General Assistance Office.  This program is an ongoing process in which you will work one one-on-one with your case worker to ensure the proper steps are taken to create a successful outcome. Together we will set and reach your goals. The most valuable service we provide is directly connecting residents to the resources they need.

Emergency Assistance:  The Rutland Township General Assistance office provides emergency assistance for township residents.  Residents who have demonstrated a verifiable need for a certain category of emergency aid and limited to once every 12 months.   The General assistance application will need to be completed in this process as well.

The following documentation is required to continue to the next steps in our application process:

Failure to provide correct documentation will delay or deny your application 

  1. Photo ID
  2. Verification of income ( this will not hinder your application)
  3. Rent receipt and/or lease
  4. Medical card (if applicable)
  5. Social Security card
  6. Last/current employer information
  7. Landlord: name, address & telephone
  8. Any court ordered documents ( divorce/Marriage, Probation/Parole, evictions etc.)
  9. Verification of any other assistance received
  10. List of all members living in your household.

This process may take 30 days, some verification processing can take 45 days. 


Contact Kylie- Bookkeeper for more information or help completing an application